Contesting the Contemporary: A Southeast Asian Reading Group

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Contesting the Contemporary: A Southeast Asian Reading Group
2 August 2015, Sunday | 3-5PM | 98B Escolta, Manila, Philippines


Southeast Asian Reading group, reference of critical text, moderated by Thea Garing of the Lopez Museum & Library
Sidd Perez, Lian Ladia (Planting Rice, Manila), Renan Laru-An (Disclab, Manila) Angel Velasco Shaw (Markets of Resistance, Manila), Simon Soon (Researcher/Historian, Kuala Lumpur), Arlette Tran (Curator, Sanart, Saigon)
Using the Lopez Museum & Library archive, as well as the generative text archive compiled from the Articles of Disagreements Cafe, and the researchers own references, the discussion will revolve around compiling historical references and text influential within each’s curator practice within the region (Malaysia, Thailand, Manila and the greater Southeast Asia).

Contesting the Contemporary is a reading laboratory focused on looking critically at the linear narrative histories of modernity/rehistoricization. Southeast Asian curators and researchers will share influential SEA text on their practice sourced from the Library of the Lopez Museum, critically looking at linear historical models of modernity.