Barbara Borčić: A catalogue. Editor’s view

School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Season 15
2nd Year (October 2015–June 2016)

Practical curatorial work

Thursday, 14 April 2016, at 5.45 pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Catalogue is a frequent and significant companion to the exhibition, festival, art and curatorial project etc. With a help of concrete examples of different types of catalogues will be observed, referring to group, survey, thematic and solo exhibitions as well as documentary or research projects. We will look over its role and function as well as its relation to the exhibition.

How to conceive and conceptualise a catalogue will follow, as regards its range, structure, form and content. The students will also get some practical hints to writing a good text and format it according to the guidelines for citations and bibliographies.