Rebeka Vidrih: Establishing of Modernist Art-Historical Narrative and Historical Avant-garde

World of Art | School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing | Year 16

The lectures will deal with the break that occurred in fine arts at the turn of the 19th century. What made modern art so different and new in relation to previous art; what were the institutional conditions that enabled its implementation, and how they influenced its course; how was the history of modern art written and how in this history the terms of “modernism” on one side and “historical avant-garde” on the other appeared.

Rebeka VidrihRebeka Vidrih (1976)
Assistant Professor of Art History at the Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts. In 1997/98 she enrolled in undergraduate art history studies at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She graduated in September 2004 in art discourse from Vasari’s lives of artists to Gombrich’s stories of Arts (for this she received the Faculty of Arts Prešeren Prize). In the school year 2004/05 she enrolled in postgraduate studies of art in the New Age and in September 2008 she finished her doctorate with a thesis entitled The Theory of Art and Art History in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Classical Tradition and New Art Historiography (mentor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tine Germ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lev Kreft). She lectures on art of the modern era in Western Europe I (16th–18th century) and II (19th–20th century), Contemporary Theories and Methods in Art History and History of Photography (since 2015/16).

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